Rettangoli UI Docs Introduction CSS Variables Concepts Colors rtgl-view Dimensions Direction Align Background Color Gap Flex Border Border Radius Margin Padding Position Scroll Introduction
Your layout is basically made out of rectangular shapes
rettangoli is a layout and UI library that you can learn within one day and use for the rest of your life Learn within one day
  • We expose a small opinioned API we think can satisfy 95% of web layout needs. For the remaining 5%, you can keep using CSS.
  • Default behavior should satisfy the most common use case
  • Using the library should feel intutitive, especially if you have previous experience with web UI development
Use for the rest of your life
  • It uses web components. It should run as long as web components are supported
  • Small API means we have less surface to maintain
  • Extensive test cases to ensure that the library just works and not unexpected behavior is introduced